Book presentation: “Museum Seed. The Futurability of Cultural Places”, Ico Migliore and Mara Servetto
On Thursday, November 14 at 6:30 p.m., the Bisazza Foundation hosts the presentation of the book published by Electa, “Museum Seed. The Futurability of Cultural Places”, written and designed by architects Ico Migliore and Mara Servetto, founders of Studio Migliore+Servetto.
In a dialogue with Christiane Bürklein, the authors discuss their vision of the future of architectural and interior design projects for cultural spaces.
Like a seed, the museum grows, transforms and extends into its “augmented” version in a state of constant evolution, shifting between conservation and narrative and opening up to new forms of accessibility and inclusion. Drawing on the long research and practice that the Studio has developed over its years of activity, the book aims to expand the investigation by bringing together multiple voices from the world of culture: directors, curators, collectors, academics, architects, designers, journalists and psychologists discuss the topic of the future of cultural spaces.
Free entry with reservation, subject to availability